If you're planning for your newborn's photo session, you may be a little nervous about your little one fussing during their photoshoot. Well, not to worry! There's a reason I've been given the nickname "The Baby Whisperer" by my clients. In this blog post I'll share a few insights as to what a newborn session with me is like, as well as practical tips to ensure your newborn's photo session goes smoothly. My ultimate goal is to ensure a comfortable experience for everyone so you end up with photos you love!
I Include Extra Time in All of My Newborn Sessions
The first thing you should know about a newborn session at my Colorado Springs home studio is that I built this space with your family in mind. I have over 10 years of experience photographing newborns, so I'm well aware that my littlest clients need a break sometimes. When you visit my home studio for your newborn session, you'll have additional time built into your newborn session to account for diaper changes, snacks for baby, and cuddles when needed! Each newborn session can last anywhere from 1-3 hours total, depending on your child's needs, but I will always put your child's safety and comfort first. Having my studio in my home allows us to take our time in a safe, quiet space and ensure your little one is comfortable and relaxed for their photos.
Consider Bathing Your Newborn Before Their Session
What's better than a nice warm bath to calm the nerves? If you're nervous about your child fussing during their session, giving your newborn a nice warm bath prior to their photo session may help to get them into a relaxed state before we start.

Aim to Feed Your Baby Right Before Their Photoshoot
If your session falls within the right window, aim to feed your baby right before you arrive at my studio (or right when you arrive). If your child has a full (but not OVERfull) tummy, it will likely put them in a sleepy state for their session and minimize the opportunity for fussiness. The reason you want to avoid overfeeding your child is that gas or an upset tummy could actually increase their discomfort and lead to more fussiness.
Try to (Safely) Keep Your Newborn Awake Before Their Session
Within reason, I recommend my clients try to keep their newborn entertained and awake leading up to their session so that by the time you arrive for your photos your child will be ready for a nice, long nap! Please keep in mind that this should be practiced safely and not overdone--even a little bit of mental stimulation before your newborn's session is better than nothing. These tips are all meant to be used together to maximize the benefits and not overdo any one recommendation.
Consider Bringing a Pacifier With You (Even if Your Child Doesn't Normally Use One)
Pacifiers work wonders to help soothe a crying or fussy baby. Even if your newborn doesn't regularly use a pacifier at home, I highly recommend my clients bring one with them to their session in case of fussiness emergency. They can be very calming for a little one and lull them into a quick sleep with minimal stress.
I Am Professionally Trained to Work With Newborns
It's very rare that I'm unable to get a child to sleep during their newborn session. I'm incredibly passionate about working with newborns to ensure that they are comfortable, relaxed, and happy during their newborn photo session. I'm professionally trained to pose newborns safely and comfortably so they feel as though they are simply taking a nap. If you follow the tips I outlined above, I can confidently say you will leave your photography session with photos you love and memories you'll treasure forever!

Are you interested in scheduling your Colorado Springs newborn photography session? Click here