"When should I schedule my newborn session?" I get this question all the time, and for good reason. Planning for childbirth can be a little unpredictable because babies tend to arrive on their own schedule, so that naturally seems like it would make planning your newborn session a little more complicated. But we can make it pretty simple for you, and if you follow these tips, you'll be able to get the planning out of the way early so you don't have to stress about it at the last minute.
When Do Newborn Sessions Take Place?
Newborn sessions typically take place within your child's first 7-14 days of life. With that said, don't panic if you didn't book your session in time to have your session on days 7-14. It's never too late to document your baby's early days! If you're outside that window, just call your preferred photographer as soon as possible to get a session scheduled.

When Should I Call My Photographer to Schedule My Newborn Session?
I recommend calling your photographer to schedule your newborn session around the end of your second trimester or the beginning of your third trimester. This may seem early, but trust me--it's best to do this early, and here's why:
The earlier you call to schedule your session, the more likely your photographer won't be completely booked up. And if, for some reason, your first choice photographer is booked, you'll have time to find another before baby comes.
When you call early, you can check it off your to-do list, so when things get busy toward the end of your pregnancy, you can rest easy knowing you have a plan in place for your newborn photos.
Calling early will give you ample time to plan the theme for your newborn session and purchase any props that you want that your photographer doesn't already have in their collection. It will also make choosing your birth announcements easier if you have a theme planned in advance.
What If My Baby Comes Early or Late?
When you call to book your session, your photographer should help you figure out the best date for your newborn session based on your due date and other factors. If, for some reason, your baby comes early or late, a quick call to your photographer will do the trick. Your photographer should be able to help you find another date for your newborn session and having a date in place early will secure you a spot with your photographer, so they will likely be more flexible and willing to make a change to your originally scheduled date if you're already on their schedule. But rest assured--this is pretty rare!
Other Questions?
Check out the Newborn section of my blog for answers to more frequently asked questions so you can plan your newborn session with confidence and ease! You can also reach out to me directly HERE.

Are you interested in scheduling your Colorado Springs studio newborn session? Click Here